Annual Meeting Information
Travel Information
Address for Hilton Philadelphia at Penn's Landing is: 201 S. Christopher Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19106
Self Parking On-site, $55.13 per day
Transportation to the Hotel
Airport Transportation Options:
Regional Rail. Airport Line service runs seven days a week, between 5a and 12a. Trains depart PHL International Airport every 30 minutes on weekdays and hourly on weekends. Link to website
Taxi is around $33 each way
Uber and Lyft are around $29 each way
Climate/What to Wear
In September, the weather in Philadelphia can be quite mild, ranging from the upper 70s to the low 80s. Clothing made of light and breathable fabrics such as linen, cotton, or rayon are comfortable choices. It’s important to layer your clothing so you can easily adjust to cooler evenings. The Annual Meeting attire is business casual.
Annual Meeting Events
Inclusion Luncheon
Thursday, September 12, 2024
12:00-1:30pm/ $55/person
Sponsored by Susan Steele Weir
Jamming New Ideas Together at the Inclusion Luncheon
For over 40 years, the Annual Meeting has included a meal focused on networking and support of people seeking greater representation in AEG. The Women in AEG Breakfast/Luncheon for women and allies at the Annual Meeting was a great opportunity for many women to make connections with their peers and friendships for life within the organization. In 2021, the Women in AEG meal evolved into the Inclusion Luncheon.
In 2023, the Inclusion Luncheon activity centered around using Jamboard, a virtual collaborative whiteboard, to allow everyone to contribute their thoughts on AEG’s current direction and ideas on how we can make AEG more inclusive. Attendees praised the Executive Council and other AEG Leadership’s continued support for the efforts of diversity, equity, and inclusion and the continued support of the Inclusion Luncheon. Other organization-based ideas included having more information about operational committees during new member enrollment, sending polls out to the AEG membership to reach out to those who do not regularly attend the Annual Meetings or participate in committees, and making contact information easier to find on the AEG website to remove barriers to communication.
A lot of ideas centered around support for students, such as offering scholarships, free tickets for the Inclusion Luncheon, and travel grants for the Annual Meeting. Some of these resources are already available, but opportunities exist to expand and better advertise them to make that support more accessible. The AEG Foundation offers a variety of scholarships and grants – the scholarship application deadline is January 15 every year, while grant applications are accepted and considered year-round. Some of the scholarships, such as the Susan Steele Weir Scholarship and the Diversity Scholarship created by Phillis and Richard Steckel, have specifically identity-based criteria, while other scholarships are geared for those from specific regions or geoscience disciplines. The current grants support K-14 educators, AEG Student Chapters, and junior high and high school STEM teachers teaching traditionally underrepresented demographics in geoscience. The Student & Young Professional Support Committee coordinates and approves Annual Meeting travel grants for Student Members, Early Career Members, and Teacher Members of AEG – the travel grant application is available on the AEG website and the application deadline each year is July 31. Please pass these opportunities to others in your network to ensure they are utilized every year.
On the same general bent as increased support for students, attendees promoted additional outreach to lower income and traditionally underserved communities. Everyone in AEG has the opportunity to use their personal networks to reach out their neighbors, such as universities and colleges with first generation students who may not have had exposure to the geosciences. A few attendees proposed that AEG partner with other organizations that are also promoting diversity in the field. Specific organizations called out include the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), and the Society of the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS).
Attendees of last year’s luncheon also spent some time discussing how local chapters can work on their own inclusivity. Bringing in a diverse roster of speakers can make a huge difference in how members and visitors perceive our organization. Chapters can consider actions such as rotating their meeting locations around their territory to make events easier to attend for those constrained by work/school hours, transit options, or finances. They can also adopt local Scout dens or other groups that support outdoors education, as AEG members have the knowledge and skills to help students earn merit badges and the funding to support trips (camping, museums, etc.) that local groups may not have the funding to execute on their own. Chapter leadership can also seek out leadership and inclusion training for themselves and local members to enhance their own skills & help navigate situations that they may not have encountered in their professional careers.
If you are interested in attending this year’s Inclusion Luncheon, you can add it to your Annual Meeting registration for $55. Financial assistance is available, please reach out to Meeting Manager Heather Clark at If you are unable to attend this year’s Annual Meeting in person but have ideas of your own, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee meets monthly, typically on the third Thursday. Please email suggestions or requests to attend committee meetings to the DEIC co-chairs, Minda Moe ( and Matt Buche (
Annual Banquet
Thursday, September 12, 2024
7:00-9:30pm/ $125/person
Sponsored by Exponent
This is a well-attended, high-profile event at which the Association’s major awards are given. Join us for a gourmet dinner, fine wine, and a chance to visit with friends—both old and new. Semi-formal attire is recommended, though not required.
Awards Ceremony and Corporate Business Meeting
Friday, September 13, 2024
Free with all registration types. The Awards Ceremony and Corporate Business Meeting is a time for Association officers, board members, and committee members to participate, report on their activities, witness the installation of new officers, the transition of the outgoing and incoming Presidents, and the presentation of some of the AEG awards.
Annual Meeting Student Events
Student/Professional Networking Reception
Be sure to attend the Student/Professional Networking Reception on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 5:15-6:15pm.
This fun and relaxed event is the perfect place for you to make new friends and meet future employers/employees! You don't want to miss it! Be sure to sign up on your registration form.
Young at Heart Event
"Evening Aboard the Docked
Moshulu Tall Ship"
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 8:00-10:00pm
This social event is a great way to start your week in Philadelphia. The “legendary” Moshulu is the world’s oldest and largest square-rigged sailing vessel still afloat. She is also the one and only restaurant venue on a Tall Ship today in the World.
Make or Mingle with your friends in environmental and engineering geology while you enjoy free appetizers and a free drink ticket. Just a short walk from the hotel, this event is an excellent opportunity to build connections with peers, mentors, senior fellows, and potential employers. We encourage students and young professionals to join the event and welcome experienced professionals who are “young at heart!”
"Take a Student to Dinner or Lunch"
Buy a student a ticket on your registration form to attend the Inclusion Luncheon or the Annual Banquet. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to meet and network with professionals and fellow students. Please contact Heather Clark,, if you would like a ticket to one of these events